When it comes to on-stage productions and events, the right lighting can help direct the audience’s focus, enhance a production and create the perfect atmosphere. While it's essential to have professional lighting, knowing which types of lighting are suited to different events will help you determine which lighting fixtures are best for your … [Read more...]
Types of Stage Lighting
Your Comprehensive Event Planning Guide: Audio Visual Equipment Checklist
Planning an event is a huge undertaking, from an audiovisual equipment standpoint. If you aren’t careful, vital pieces of equipment can easily fall through the cracks and bring your whole event to a standstill. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive audiovisual equipment list, with all the links you need to find exactly what you’re looking … [Read more...]
How to Live Stream an Event
The 2020 global pandemic saw live event streaming go from being an influencer trend to every marketer’s marketing staple. As of writing, more than 35% of marketers use it as part of their digital marketing strategy. This figure is expected to increase as online video content continues to establish dominance in the digital marketing … [Read more...]
6 Essential Pieces of Concert Equipment for Your Next Live Performance
Do you perform live gigs? Perhaps you are a solo act, or you share the stage with a few bandmates. Either way, live performances offer an opportunity to connect with your audience and gain more recognition. The last thing you want to happen is to book the gig, show up, and realize you do not have all the audiovisual concert equipment you … [Read more...]
What Is Projection Mapping? 5 Real-World Uses to Improve Audience Engagement
With projection mapping, the world is your canvas. You can turn a blank wall or other surfaces into the most amazing visual displays with a flick of a switch. Want to bring your audience to Yosemite? Easy. How about a tour of the Amazon rainforest? No problem. Want to amaze the crowd and show them the view from the Earth’s orbit? You … [Read more...]
The Importance of Event Lighting
It's all in the details. If you need to host a sensational event and wow your guests or customers, then you better pay attention to all the little details. One of the most overlooked details? The lighting. Even the greatest sales pitch, speech, or performance can be improved by the right kind of lighting and audio services. Lighting tells a … [Read more...]
Corporate Video Production Checklist
Technology has transformed the style of doing business today. New advances are being developed now and then to enhance customer experiences and ease operations. One of the essential innovations is corporate video. The last few decades have seen many businesses embrace the idea of corporate video production. So, what's the reason behind this … [Read more...]
Virtual Conferences – Here is how you can host one!
In light of the current global pandemic, most businesses have been forced to come up with new approaches for their events. One particular industry, the events and conference industry, has been forced to make significant changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person conferences around the world have either been canceled or postponed with others … [Read more...]
Successful Virtual Business Conference Tips and Techniques
Virtual conferences have become very common and easy to work with these days. These meetings happen virtually in an extremely interactive and visually attractive surrounding. Online conferences enable people to easily communicate and even cut the expenses of organizing an event and upsurge the ROI. However, it is important to note that virtual … [Read more...]
Live Streaming from Home – Gears, Tips, and Tactics
How are the social distancing measures affecting you? Businesses are not operating as they used to before the pandemic, and workers and customers have to adhere to the set regulations to keep them safe. Enterprises are now relying on the internet to carry on their business. Live-Streaming from home is the best idea for live meetings and social … [Read more...]